6 years in the making, this feature documentary is Fikra's first film project. Directed by Elisabet Gustafsson, and produced by Linda Mutawi & Patrick El-Cheikh, co-produced by Pekroma AB and Slutet är Nära. The film is nearing completion and set to premiere in 2o23.
Synopsis: When Elisabet, a single middle aged woman in Stockholm, receives a survey from the authorities, she finds that her choices in life are reduced to soulless statistics. Elisabet thinks about her adventurous cousin Sophie, who at the age of fifty left a successful designer career in London to start a hotel business in the ancient desert city of Djenné in Mali. With nothing to lose, she goes to Mali, despite the ongoing conflict in the country, and immerses herself in Sophie's life and local projects. The women find a kinship, but the hotel's survival hangs in the balance. Tourism has disappeared and terrorists are getting closer. Sophie is eventually forced to close down the hotel and her dream shatters, But she recovers soon with the realization that as one thing ends, a new adventure begins. Wiser from her encounter with her cousin, Elisabet starts to see her own achievements in a new light. With a whole new perspective, Elisabet can complete her journey and go home.